Saturday, 7 April 2018

The multiple discourses of the Ramakrishna Kathamrita

Have wanted to write on Sri Girish Ghosh for a long time. The essay is just not getting written. But in the meantime, looking through the Kathamrita one finds so much..

Today's post: 

The conflict of Faith and Reason/Science? The founders of Hindu College, Mr David Hare, Raja Rammohun Roy and others,  had all felt that training in scientific methodologies of thought were essential for the nation/race to progress. Turning one's face away from Science, from its benefits, looking away from utilitarian models of social organization, were wrong.

There was the founding of scientific associations at this time, there was writing in scientific journals, the founding of scientific journals. Akshay Kumar Dutta wrote scientific articles and so did Radhanath Sikdar, a Derozion. Mahendralal Sarkar, Thakur's doctor was the founder of the Indian Cultivation of Science.

On October 25th, 1885, there is discussion on scientific subjects at Shyampukur, in Thakur's room.

Thakur asks the doctor how he would explain 'bhava' which is like a state of alcoholic intoxication.

The doctor replies that the action stops in the 'nervous centre' all the 'energies of the brain' are directed towards the 'medula oblongata' which is at the head of the spinal cord or the nervous system. If that gets affected, Life stops...

(I am using the Udbodhan edition of the Kathamrita, 23rd Impression, 2007, page 946)

I would be happy if my readers pointed out mistakes and responded with comments. I also have no idea who they are...

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