Monday, 26 February 2018

Sister Nivedita. Translation continued of Rabindranath Tagore's Bhagini Nivedita

I write all this with frankness today because as on the one hand I feared an onslaught on my being by her, on the other hand, she has done me the kind of exceptional favors, that I don’t recollect anybody else doing for me. There are numerous instances of when after meeting her, I have drawn strength from her strength and used my veneration for her as fuel for propelling me forward.
I have never seen any other person who was as capable as she of giving herself wholeheartedly to a cause or a purpose. She gave without restraint or reservation. In these matters neither considerations of health, habit, the sentiments of her near and dear ones, the indifference of Indian society, or the loss of purpose in those she sacrificed herself for, could deter her.  Those who knew her saw the extent to which a human being could exemplify Truth and Consciousness. Her ability to shred through all artificial constraints and hypocritical values, and move towards her goal with boundless energy, remains a magnificent instance of the reaches of human power. Those of us who witnessed this are indeed blessed.

The best things in life we usually get free. Because we do not have to pay for them, we usually don’t give them their proper value. Sister Nivedita’s life was like that. It was a great life from the example of which, other people benefitted. She tirelessly gave what was best in her, every moment and every day of her life. She did not spare herself in the least in living by this strenuous idealism. She refused to have any sense of personal comfort or desire, corrupt this ideal. She decided to live beyond hunger and thirst, loss and gain, fame and infamy. She decided to submit herself to this high ideal of giving without any consideration of fear, hesitation, comfort or rest. 

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