Friday, 21 December 2018

Excerpts from a diary of 2015.
Close to Februrary 7, 2015. Exact date not recorded.

Thakur a man of the people, who spoke a language that people understood.
Richness of personality, intellect, experiences. Even dramatic. The many interactions. In a way he too is like Krishna (Krishna aptly part of his name); in that he knew and interacted with so many people.
Householder and sannyasi at the same time, many people had access to him, which often makes him say the same things (in different forms) to different people at different times. This causes a rich variety, many interrelations and also overlapping.
The Kathamrita is concentrated with many spiritual ideas/discourses but incredibly warm and interesting for the quality of his human interactions, with lay devotees from many walks of life; with sannyasis.
So we also note the marvelous empathy of this man—his protean sensibility.
The kanchon is in full bloom as I write from my verandah at 9 a.m. in the morning. Listened to ‘dekhechi roopsagore moner manush kancha shona’. Wonderful, wonderful. Shikhbo. Sanghamitra diyecche. I blessed her.
Blown away by  ‘dekhechi roopsagore moner manush kancha shona’. Learnt it today.
..the light is already hot. The purple pink kanchan against the blue sky.
The Katthokra with its alert expression checking out the trees.
Amazing. The marvelous currents of life. They should well up more in me and meet the ones flowing in the universe.

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